Kid's garden activities for the summer holidays
Stone markers, insects, characters or pets!
Select some nice smooth stones and get out the paints. If you want them to last better try acrylic paints (but make sure everyone wears old clothes!)
Mini garden
Fence off a small area and let the kids choose some plants. Allow them to plant and be responsible for watering their own little patch.
Pick for pocket money
Send the kids out to do a bit of 'pick your own' in the garden if you have been growing fruit and veg.
Cool down (and water the garden…)
Get the hose, sprinkler or even the watering can out and have fun!
Make a worm hotel
- Cut off the top of an old plastic drinks bottle
- Fill with layers of sand and soil
- Water well
- Dig for worms and pop them on top
- Watch them burrow in
- Worms like the dark so wrap some black paper or card around the bottle.
- After a few days take off the card and you’ll see how the worms have mixed up the soil – a very important job in the garden!